Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8 Reflections

I have used MAC computers at home for 15 years and have never looked at Garage Band.  What a fun tool for creativity, to enhance presentation, and a new way to share information.  I agree with Jackie that this would be a wonderful reward for students.  No cost, students learning, being creative, it is endless, students could continue to build a song over time and they are getting a reward. I hope to use this soon with some of my kids.

I like the Teacher source idea. NCSD has some basic information on our web but this sounds like a true expansion for teachers to work with teachers virtually.  We have run into road blocks with our PLC's and this would be a way for the "singleton" teacher to connect with others, learn from them, collaborate and improve their practice.  Does Gladstone have something similar?? Seems I heard they had information with assessments for teachers to share but it may be more of a 1.0 system where this sounds like 2.0.

I really appreciate being able to have exposure to all of the sites and technology.  This class has opened my eyes that technology really is "easy" now.  It doesn't have to be hard to use technology.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've made some technology discoveries! These are fun and definitely engaging for kids. I would challenge you to find places where GarageBand can be used at the front-end of instruction. You could lead out on it with your staff, doing a podcast and then watch your staff go! Check out this link: http://cnx.org/content/m18122/latest/ for some ideas.
