Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hole in the Wall

Sugat Mitra speaks about how technology should start in remote areas.  I find it interesting that our new buildings have all the new equipment (and they reside in the more affluent part of our district.)  I do not believe this is by design however, my school is in a lower SES area, where many students do not have access to internet or computers at home.  The students in the more affluent part of the district have access to technology at home and at school.  In addition, many students on that side of the district have cars/transportation to go somewhere to access technology if needed. This speaks to the fact that districts should be paying attention to where they spend their technology funds.  The impact will be far greater to students in a lower SES school than to those middle income schools. 

1 comment:

  1. Mitra really made his point when he said we need to invest that technology in the poorer schools. The impact will be felt much more; and I think more than just his study shows it. It would be an interesting investigation to find some of those studies...maybe a project idea?
